
The Seeker's Guide to Enchanting Emporiums

Created by Eldermancy

A 5E supplement filled with magic shops, mystical loot, unique NPCs and thrilling plot hooks. A stunning sequel to Twisted Taverns!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Production Update & Art Showcase!
5 days ago – Mon, Sep 02, 2024 at 07:14:06 PM

Hey Backers!

We have some more information for you all about how we are tracking with the production process! Firstly, apologies for the delayed update, rest assured we've been hard at work pushing forward with production.

Our talented team are currently a bunch of busy bees working on finalizing the final layout for the book! Furthermore, Ona has been doing a fantastic job on the art side of things. Ontop of some awesome pieces you can find below, we are expecting our final arty bits and bobs to roll in within the next 2 weeks.

As of now, we are looking at having a Beta version of Enchanting Emporiums sent out to all of you by early October. This will be a great time for everyone to test the content and provide us with feedback for the final version. We want to make sure backers are getting the best possible version of Enchanting Emporiums, so we can't wait to see what you have to say!

Our target for the final version to be sent off to the printers is early November of this year! Exciting times ahead but, for now, take a look at some more fabulous art below. This means we're still tracking for our slight delay of Fulfilment Beginning in January 2025.

Can you guess what these gloves are for?

That's all from us, but we'll be back with more updates soon.

The Eldermancy Team

Production Update: Art Showcase!
2 months ago – Sun, Jun 30, 2024 at 10:00:23 PM

Hey Backers!

We're here with another update on the ongoing production of The Seeker's Guide to Enchanting Emporiums! We wanted to give you guys a little insider look of how art progresses from the initial sketch, to layout test, to the final rendered image!

We have hit a slight roadbump in production which is extending the time we're spending on commissioning and receiving art finals. While we're hopefully still on track to start fulfilment in December as planned, we want to be as transparent as possible and let you all know that the delays to art may cause our fulfilment start to slip into January 2025. We will be working hard to bring this date back to our estimates, but we will not be compromising on the quality of the book. 

Below is a sneak peak of one very Enchanting Emporium (Along with an equally enchanting shop owner). 

So, take a gander at Daydee's Magical Muffins! Here owner, proprietor and head baker Daydee deMinth welcomes patrons with brightly colored pastries and confections of all sorts. At first glance Daydee seems to be able to make everyone smile with a cheery word or delicious muffin. But, is there something more to this sprightly gnome beneath that carefully frosted surface?

We hope you all enjoy this magical morsel as much as we do!

And remember, you can never have too many muffins!

Until next time, 

The Eldermancy Team

Production Update & Art Showcase!
3 months ago – Wed, Jun 05, 2024 at 11:24:07 PM

Hey Everyone!

We hope you're all going well! We're back with an update on production and some things to show off. During this point of production there's not too much to show off as we're just getting the writing edited and art finished before the real meat of production and manufacturing. That being said, there's plenty of work going on behind the scenes!

Currently, art waves continues to come in (and we've got some great pieces to show off) and writing is being edited to fit within the layout of the beautiful pages of Enchanting Emporiums. This is a bit of a finnicky process where content needs to be moulded to fit around art and fit within the pages JUST RIGHT to ensure everyone has the best experience when reading through the book.

We have received a whole bunch of new art that looks wonderful and we wanted to share a few of the pieces. Ona has done an incredible job directing and illustrating these pieces. So feast your eyes on some of the goodies to come. This time, we're focusing on some of the guest traders with the Vagrant and Jamar, plus a piece from the Grafter's Hut.

Jamar ,One Shot Questers Guest Trader - Illustrated by Emanuel Silva
Jamar's Mystery Mixture - Illustrated by Emanuel Silva
The Vagrant ,Crooked Moon's Guest Trader - Illustrated by Felipe Perez
The Grafter's Hut - Illustrated by Ona Kristensen

That's all we have for now! We'll be back soon with more updates. We can't wait to show off the alpha PDF as soon as it's ready!

The Eldermancy Team

Production Update: Art Showcase!
4 months ago – Tue, Apr 30, 2024 at 09:29:05 PM

Hey everyone!

We're back with another update on the ongoing production of The Seeker's Guide to Enchanting Emporiums! Firstly, we wanted to thank everyone who provided feedback from the two playtests! Your feedback has been taken on board and we're so excited to continue the development of this wondrous book!

To give everyone a bit of an update on where we are at the moment with development we're tracking along to schedule and nearly everything is ready for layout! At this stage in the process we're not expecting anything to impact our expected start to fulfilment in December. Art has also been coming in recently and we're so excited to show off some of the amazing artwork!

So without further ado, check out some brand new art from Enchanting Emporiums below!

Krymkatuul - Ona Kristensen
Ink Mephit - Ona Kristensen
Cupcake of Resilience - Ona Kristensen
Brew of Bumbling Brilliance - Ona Kristensen

That's all we have for now! We'll be back with some more updates soon!

The Eldermancy Team

Playtest Two and Production Update
6 months ago – Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 06:51:24 PM

Hey everyone!

We're back with an update to give you all a clear view of where we're at in development and to release the second playtest to everyone. We're currently in the manuscript editing phase for the Emporiums and Traders. At this point all of the writing is getting development edits which means it is all being checked over by our development editors for balance and consistency. This means all of the core "writing" is done for the project! There's still plenty to do from here though. Our art waves are well underway which means soon enough we'll have plenty of goodies to show through updates. As well, after the development edit we will have a line editing phase which is where the book as a whole gets checked for typos etc.

We're also currently doing a 'crash layout' for the book. Which is where we nail down the styling of all the different elements which make up the final look of the book you get in your hands! We're super excited to show you an example of that in our playtest today as we have two layout samples alongside the manuscripts. We were initially planning on just getting you the content to playtest last week, but by waiting a week we've managed to get you some wonderful examples of the final book to come!

Just to be clear, the layout samples are not the complete content, but provide a great example of what's to come. The content to playtest will be found inside the manuscript files labelled "_forplaytest".

So without further adieu, the Playtest Two is being distributed via BackerKit NOW! You can access the playtest by logging in to BackerKit, selecting The Seeker's Guide to Enchanting Emporiums project and going to the digital downloads section!

Please submit any feedback you have here: 

We'll be keeping the feedback open for the next month, which means we'll be closing this feedback round on the 8th of April. Please let us know all your thoughts through that feedback form and we'll be taking those suggestions on board for the editing rounds. 

That's all we have for now! We'll be back with more updates soon!

The Eldermancy Team