
The Seeker's Guide to Enchanting Emporiums

Created by Eldermancy

A 5E supplement filled with magic shops, mystical loot, unique NPCs and thrilling plot hooks. A stunning sequel to Twisted Taverns!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Enchanting Emporiums Playtest One
7 months ago – Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 10:09:49 PM

Hey everyone!

We're back with an update! This time around the first playtest for Enchanting Emporiums. First of all, we're sorry we're a week late on getting this one out to you. I was out of office last week for personal reasons and have been busy catching up on everything. The first playtest has been distributed to backers and includes the traveling trader Blackbird, written by James Haeck; and the emporium The Hedgerow, written by Ginny Di. 

We're so excited to hear your feedback for this first glimpse into the content to come! You can submit your feedback through a Google Form we've set up here:

Please keep in mind, we're still in the development stage of the process so things are likely to change between now and the final versions. We can't wait to take you through the development journey! Given we're a little bit late on sending the playtest, we will provide some extra time to submit your feedback.  The form will now close on March 9 and playtest two will begin March 11. 

You can access the playtest by logging in to BackerKit, selecting The Seeker's Guide to Enchanting Emporiums project and going to the digital downloads section now!

Questions around surveys!

We've seen some question around the surveys, primarily when surveys need to be completed. First of all, it is not too late to complete your survey! While we will be locking orders now, this will be a continuous process until we fulfil the Kickstarter. As long as your survey is completed before the start of November 2024 you won't have any issues receiving your pledge. We will also make sure to give plenty of notice and reminders as we approach fulfilment!

As an additional reminder, we will be charging cards next week! Don't worry if you experience any issues on the first go around though as just like with survey completion as long as everything is fixed before fulfilment there won't be an issue.

That's all we have for today! Again, sorry for the delay.

The Eldermancy Team

Post Kickstarter Update: Surveys Sent!
8 months ago – Mon, Jan 29, 2024 at 01:01:59 AM

Hey Everyone!

We're thrilled to be letting you all know that your BackerKit surveys will be hitting your accounts within the next 48 hours! So what does this all mean do you ask? Read on to find out more!

The way we collect shipping fees, give the opportunity for backers to purchase add-ons (in addition to your Kickstarter pledge) and confirm your address information, is through a third party organisation called BackerKit. All of this information is collected through a survey; each unique to every backer. Over the next few days we will be sending these out to all 6,759 of you. This means that you will receive an email in your inbox from BackerKit, asking that you fill in this survey as soon as possible. Please note, it will take time for these to reach everyone's accounts. So if yours isn't yet linked to your BackerKit, rest assured - it is on the way.

You must have a BackerKit account in order to complete your survey. If you do not have one, please follow the link here and that will take you through the sign-up steps. Please ensure you use the email address associated with your Kickstarter account, as that is the address that will transfer your The Seeker's Guide to Enchanting Emporiums pledge information to BackerKit. If your survey is incomplete by the time of fulfilment, we will not be able to send you your pledge. So it is essential that you fill this information out.

*please note, if you used Apple Pay to pay for your Kickstarter pledge then your email address associated with your pledge may have overridden your email address with one ending in @privateappleid. If this is the case, you will need to message us with the correct email address you would like your BackerKit Survey sent to. Please message us via the Kickstarter inbox with the correct address and we can amend this for you*

Additional VAT information for our CA, EU & UK backers

We have seen a number of questions surrounding VAT; Value Added Tax which is applicable to a number of countries. It is our legal responsibility to ensure that VAT is being accounted for to those whose packages are being delivered to VAT applicable countries. So we ask for understanding in these additional charges as they are not charges being imposed by Eldermancy.

We understand that this all may feel a bit confusing which we completely understand, it took us a while to figure it all out too! We are really happy to answer any questions you may have about accessing your survey, shipping, VAT; whatever you’re needing answered, and ask that your questions be directed to our Kickstarter inbox.

Please note, the Kickstarter inbox is managed from 9am - 4pm Monday to Friday AEST and we will answer any questions within this time frame.

We hope you all enjoy getting through your surveys and that you're also looking forward to the playtest! We'll be releasing that one later this week, so keep an eye out for that too.

Happy survey-ing everyone, and just shout out via the inbox if you're needing any support with it!

The Eldermancy Team

Post-Kickstarter Schedule
8 months ago – Mon, Jan 08, 2024 at 08:58:42 PM

Hey everyone! We're so happy to bring you the exciting next steps and milestones for the The Seeker’s Guide to Enchanting Emporiums!

Our Post-Kickstarter Schedule highlights the key dates that our backers need to have on their radar between now and the start of fulfilment in December, 2024. The key dates within this schedule will be reminded to everyone between now and fulfilment time, however we recommend noting these in your calendars so you're aware of when everything is happening. So here it is; the Post-Kickstarter Schedule!

Key Dates and Events: 

·          Check your pledge: NOW!

·          BackerKit Surveys sent: Week of January 22, 2024

·          Playtest period one: Week of February 5 - February 29 AEST

·          Playtest period two: Week of March 4 – March 29 AEST

·          Lock orders (continuous) Week of February 5, 2024

·          Charge cards (continuous) : Week of February 19, 2024

·          Lock addresses: November, 2024

·          Fulfilment Begins: Shipping to start in December 2024

Check your Kickstarter Pledge: NOW!

We highly encourage all backers to ensure pledges are successful with Kickstarter – only successful pledges can be fulfilled. There can sometimes be issues with this part of the process and unfortunately, we can't do anything about payment issues on your pledge – this will be completely between you and your bank. If you're having troubles and think we may be able to offer any additional insights, then please don’t hesitate to contact us via the Kickstarter inbox and a member of our support team will be able to assist you.

BackerKit Surveys Sent: Week of January 22nd

This is probably one of the most important dates we ask backers to take note of. In the week of January 22nd, BackerKit surveys will be sent out, accurate shipping prices will be calculated and all add-ons will be available for backers to add to their pledge. As mentioned on our Kickstarter page, your receipt for your Kickstarter pledge will say “$0.00 for shipping” - this is because we do not charge shipping through Kickstarter, and do so during this survey phase through BackerKit. So please be aware, when you receive your BackerKit survey is when your shipping costs will be determined.

We’ll be sending out a “smoke test” to a few hundred backers a bit earlier than all surveys in order to review our process and address any feedback from those who receive an early survey.

Any additional money you pledged inside Kickstarter will appear as “credit” inside BackerKit and can be used to purchase “add-ons”.

For our backers who are new to Kickstarter – BackerKit is a 3rd party “pledge management” service that works closely with Kickstarter. It can be a little confusing, we understand! If you are new to the process and not sure what BackerKit is, then please follow these steps:

Once survey invitations are sent (week of January 22nd), you will receive an email with your survey link, from ‘[email protected]‘ titled ‘Response Needed – Get your reward from The Seeker’s Guide to Enchanting Emporiums. The link within the email will take you to your survey.

Fill out the survey with any additional “add-ons” you wish to purchase, and continue to the shipping payment section.

This is where we charge shipping for the project, and shipping costs are essential if you have physical items in your pledge (ie. a hardcover book).

If you don't have a BackerKit account, please follow the link here to create your backer account on BackerKit. You must use the same email you've used to make your pledge on Kickstarter in order to link your pledge to your BackerKit account. We also would like to note, that it is essential that all backers successfully complete their BackerKit survey in order to receive their items. We cannot fulfil orders that do not have a completed survey, so please be sure to complete this in order to receive your items.

*NOTE REGARDING VAT for our CA/EU/UK backers* - Value Added Tax (VAT) is something that we must charge to CA, EU and UK backers and these amounts will be dependent on each country's VAT laws. Depending on each country will determine whether VAT needs to be charged to digital products. So if you see a VAT charge for our PDF or other electronic products, this is because it is a legal requirement imposed by your country of residence and we must comply with these laws. If you have any questions regarding VAT, we encourage you to contact our Customer Support team via the Kickstarter inbox.

**NOTE REGARDING THOSE WHO PLEDGED VIA APPLE PAY** please note, if you used Apple Pay to pay for your Kickstarter pledge then your email address associated with your pledge may have overridden your email address with one ending in @privateappleid. If this is the case, you will need to message us with the correct email address you would like your BackerKit Survey sent to. Please message us via the Kickstarter inbox with the correct address and we can amend this for you*

Playtest Periods: February - March, 2023

We will release at least two playtests for the The Seeker’s Guide to Enchanting Emporiums. Once the playtests have been released, we will be asking you to provide feedback so we have the opportunity to make any necessary adjustments before the book is finalised. Because of the amount of feedback we expect, we’ll manage the feedback through a Google Form, or similar. So if you want to make sure your feedback is read and taken into consideration, you’ll need to submit it on the official form (rather than via email, comments or other method). We thank all backers who choose to participate in playtesting and assist us in making the Enchanting Emporiums the best it can be! See below for specific playtest dates:

·          Playtest period one: Week of February 5 - February 29 AEST

·          Playtest period two: Week of March  4 – March 29 AEST

BackerKit Lock Orders (continuous): Week of February 5, 2024

This is the date that we will begin locking down all orders and changes through BackerKit. Don’t worry, you can still change and update your addresses.

BackerKit Charge Cards (continuous): Week of February 19, 2024

Cards will be charged during this week via BackerKit. If you miss the first round of charging cards, there is no need to stress! We will attempt to charge failed or missed cards in weekly batches until orders are paid and confirmed.

Please note: we will be unable to send orders to those whose cards have failed to be charged once we get to fulfilment. So we highly encourage all backers to ensure they have funds available in the week of February 19 to ensure your pledge arrives on time.

BackerKit Lock Addresses: November 2024

During this month, we will be locking down all address changes through BackerKit. Up until this date you’ll be able to log into BackerKit and change your address. The process of changing addresses once you’ve submitted your Kickstarter pledge will be dependent on when in the production and fulfilment process we are. We encourage all backers to use an address (if possible to the individual) that you’re as certain as you can be, will be secure in 12 months time as changing addresses after we've locked does present a number of challenges.

*Please note, we can’t ship to PO, APO, FPO, CPO Boxes and/or Parcel Lockers. If you do enter this type of address, we will not be able to deliver your pledge. So please ensure you enter a street address in BackerKit.

Fulfilment: shipping to start from December 2024

The most exciting time for everyone; fulfilment time! We will do everything in our power to meet this deadline, however we do appreciate your understanding that there can sometimes be unanticipated and unknown delays arise during production and this could push our timelines back. We will do our absolute best to meet this date and will communicate to our community proactively via the Kickstarter updates should this change.

Well with that boatload of information out of the way, we'd like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! We're so excited to bring you the awesome content we've got cooking in the Seeker's Guide to Enchanting Emporiums! 

The Eldermancy Team

Thank you for your support of the Seeker's Guide to Enchanting Emporiums!
9 months ago – Sat, Dec 23, 2023 at 06:07:22 AM

Our Kickstarter has CLOSED - THANK YOU!

It has been so wonderful to see the outpouring of support for the Seeker's sequel! We are thrilled to have each and every backer on board and your continued trust means the world to us. With your help we're sure we can bring even more inspiration and adventure into the homes of thousands of people across the world. 

We wish everyone the happiest of holidays and a wonderful new year! Keep an eye out for our Post-Kickstarter Schedule update which will be coming early January! There, we will provide you with all the details of what happens from here, the nuances of the pledge manager BackerKit, and dates for our playtest packets. 

So, with the Kickstarter campaign closing, it's time we get cracking on finishing off this book! We could not have done it without your support. 

The Eldermancy Team

$600,000 Unlocked! The Golden Gu'Gu portals to your home!
9 months ago – Fri, Dec 22, 2023 at 08:53:28 PM

A gift for all as we draw to a close!

Hey everyone! As we draw ever nearer to the end of the Kickstarter we're absolutely blown away by all the support you're throwing our way! With this stretch goal unlocked we're going to echo the sentiment and Gu'Gu will now be guarding that lucky d20 for everyone who backs a physical tier! This golden, pre-painted, miniature will keep your die safe until that clutch roll or proudly display your favorite die to the whole table! 

That being said, we want to make sure those who backed early are still getting something extra as a sincere thank you from the Eldermancy Team for your early and earnest support. So we'll be adding an extra poster as the 48 Hour Bonus so you can display some of the gorgeous art from Enchanting Emporiums!

The next stretch goal will mean we're adding even more items to the shops! This will also update the card decks so every item in the book comes with a handy reference card.

The Eldermancy Team